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致驻兴安盟外籍人士的一封信(A Letter to Foreign Nationals in Xing’an League)

来源:盟外事办 作者:盟外事办 发布时间:2021年08月03日 分享到:















A Letter to Foreign Nationals in Xing’an League

  Recently, the global epidemic situation has developed rapidly, and the transmission of COVID-19 variant in many countries has increased. Just at the time of summer vacation and tourism travel with large personnel mobility, in order to further protect your health and reduce the risk of epidemic spread, the Foreign Affairs Office of Xing'an League gives you following suggestions.

  Follow information released by authorities. Please visit the official website of the Health Commission of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (http://wjw.nmg.gov.cn/) to learn about the latest development on epidemic control and prevention and designated hospitals to treat novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia in Inner Mongolia. As for data on a national scale, please visit the official website of the National Health Commission (http://www.nhc.gov.cn/).

  Enhance awareness of prevention. If recently you have visited high-risk areas, or have had direct contacts with people from such areas, please keep a close eye on your health condition, and report to your employer or local community as soon as possible. Please cooperate with community officials and medical staff when your personal information is collected.

  Take care of personal hygiene. Please minimize outdoor activities, such as parties and get-togethers, and avoid crowded places. Please wear masks (surgical masks recommended if applicable) correctly when you go out, and dispose used ones in a proper and safe way. Please keep away from wild animals and birds. All meat and eggs shall be cooked thoroughly.

  Comply with prevention and control regulations. If you need to enter public places such as airports, railway stations, bus stations, supermarkets, hotels, farmers' markets, medical institutions and tourist attractions, please actively cooperate with the implementation of normalized prevention and control measures such as code scanning, temperature measurement, hand elimination and wearing masks.

  Active vaccination. Vaccination with COVID-19 is an effective measure to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19. If you meet the vaccination requirements, for your own health, please take the initiative to make an appointment of vaccination with workers in your community or the people's Hospital so that we can build an immune barrier together.

  If you need any further assistance, please contact us (phone number attached).

  Thank you very much for the strong support for epidemic prevention and control. Let's unite as one and win this battle with COVID-19.

  Mongolian translation Hotline: 0482—8266953,18204819996

  English  translation  Hotline:0482—8266959,18447348347

  Korean  translation  Hotline : 0482—826697,15248282288

  August 2nd,2021

  The Foreign Affairs Office of Xing’an League


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